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The human cannot record video safely in critical conditions and environments. These conditions and environments may be buildings were the fire breaks out, Areas with poisonous gases or harmful radiation and the places where there is an exchange of fire such as battlefield. The world is full of surveillance, which was monitored by enemy countries. Especially, the border region of any country was controlled and monitored by the own country for their safety purpose, for that many technologies was used to monitor the region. 
    Earlier, the surveillance was done by human, which causes many deaths by enemy country. To overcome the problem, the technology was introduced by surveillance with the help of robot. But now, the technology was upgraded, which made us to make a new robot for surveillance, in this project, this was controlled by using Arduino with wi-fi module. The camera was fixed and captures the video and monitored through it. The robot can be ups and downs of any place for surveillance with the help of motors. These was one of the multipurpose robots for military use. 
    This robotic vehicle has ability to substitute the solider at border area provide surveillance. The robotic vehicle works both as autonomous and manually controlled vehicle using communication medium. This multi-sensory robot used to detect presence of enemy capture it in camera and give the live streaming to the authorized person Surveillance is major role while we working on border area for this there is robot for surveillance purpose.


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